Walchand College Of Engineering, Sangli.

In terms of corporate development, team building exercises are important not for the immediate experience of the activities performed by the team, but also for the group skills, communication and bonding. Hence, SOFTA conducts two intra-club team building events exclusively for first, second and third year SOFTAites. Following is the respective information about the two team events-

1. Mini-Intra - Under the leadership of SE SOFTAites, they along with a bunch of FE SOFTAites work together to find solutions to the given problem statement (PS). This is the first ever experience of any FE SOFTAite as a team Member. This event lasts for around 1 to 2 weeks and ends with a formal presentation. Here, the creativity, presentation skills and team working ability of all the teams is tested and improved further.

2. Intra - This event can be referred to as a larger version of the Mini Intra. Here, the TE SOFTAites lead the SE and FE teammates. Intra spans to about almost a month and covers a wide range of tasks to all the teams. Here, apart from the creativity, presentation skills and team working ability, the problem solving ability of the teams is also examined. One of the phases of Intra is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activity, wherein a team has to give a social message via a street play, video or any other means as decided by the organisers.

Both of these events inculcate many skills amongst SOFTAite and strengthen the bond between them. Since students relate these events to a hackathon or an ideathon, these are the most anticipated events by SOFTAites.